

Monday, May 5, 2014

Once More

There's something about coming back to this page that's strange and embarrassing...I'll say "Oh yeah, here I am back to the blogging" and then 10 or 15 years go by...but I have some really good excuses. I had intended to be posting fascinating information about my last tour with Michael Katon, but found that the tiny keyboard I'd attached to my tablet was woefully inadequate for my typing needs. I really shoulda carried a laptop, I know that now. So instead I sent a pile of quick videos to Facebook, mostly of my hotel rooms and the venues we played (pre-performance of course), and a few things from the tourbus and the very few spots we stopped for the very brief periods we had time off.

Now that I'm back I've had lots of other great excuses not to write, and I've been using them all! Taking care of my Dad, gigs and rehearsals with various bands, my day gig and the various hilarious ongoing dramas of life, plus a good deal of red wine. But it's time to dust the cat fur off the keyboard and get this thing lurching back into a little movement. Good to do, we'll see how well I go keeping it up this time. Since no one apparently ever follows this blog, I have the questionable luxury of writing what ever the hell I feel like without repercussions from the hoi polloi. Hahahahah.

One thing I'll do too is take some of the entries I made from my road journal (written by hand with a pen into a paper notebook, you awful kids, just like a REAL writer) and post them up too. It's well after the fact now, but it should give a bit of an idea of what the last tour was like from my perspective in the back of the bus. And I'll put links to this from Facebook, although I'm under no illusion that anyone will go chasing this page down amidst the constant distraction of political rants and great pictures of kitties. Actually, I prefer the kitties to writing this myself, hence the hiatus!! But for some reason I've gotta get back to this. Once more into the breach, my friends.

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