

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Road Journal - Michael Katon Tour -

Michael Katon, midsolo.

Saturday, 2/1/14 – A couple of days, 2 gigs, 1 night of strange dreams. Thursday was the Beaverwood Hall in Chislehurst – a soccer team’s hall that has frequent Rock shows. Dressing room next to the stinky toilets, very cold and gnarly. Good folks working there though, some sandwiches and an ale (or in Johnny’s case a glass of wine, and of course a soda for Mike) took off the edge and cheered us up. A small turnout but a happy crowd – the opening band was the Dave Jackson Trio, a real nice bunch of people and a cool band. And Mike is sounding great!! One of the great things about touring with him is just getting to watch him play, and he’s really kicking it out this time around, too. His solos are amazing, especially some of his slide work. I don’t know how to convey how much fun it is to back him up when he’s rockin’ out.

Dave Jackson Trio.

 Next gig was down the road  in Sutton at the Boom Boom Room (love the name), another soccer hall, with the same support act – booked by the same promoter, surprise! A bigger room, better PA, nicer dressing room and much larger audience. I was extrapolating on the bass lines in the tunes, playing more melodic licks in the more static numbers, developing ideas to make them more exciting in the low end. And nobody yelled at me, so I guess I’m doing all right. Plus, Mike’s been giving Johnny a solo in “Rip It Hard”, and the other night after the drum solo he gave me the nod to take one…so that’s been in the show, too. I had to wing it at first, just because that’s the Michael Katon onstage way, but by now I’ve got a better idea of what I’ll do with it…where I can take it to…not that it’s ever gonna be the same every night by any means. But I’ll tell yah, following a Johnny Bee drum solo ain’t easy!! He’s really been tearing it up, and he’s so musical and high-energy…it’s a treat just listening to him go. They're not just solos, they're like complete percussion compositions, spontaneously done. Pretty remarkable stuff! I have to take the vibe WAY down at first when I start out, just to give some contrast and let the song breathe a little. I get busy later, and it seems to work, people get rowdy and clap along and shout so I must be doing something right…but man, following Bee…it’s good for my character, that’s for sure. 

Mr. Badanjek on the groove.
Another IM session with Cynthia after the show. Even with the Skype unavailable and me typing on this teeny keyboard that makes it hard to do apostrophes or capitalize anything (my replies look like I’m Archy from Archy & Mehitabel) it’s a huge comfort to be able to talk (or write) with her. It’s still freezing subzero cold there and she’s cutting her way through chest-high snowdrifts…I feel guilty I’m not there to help her out. She’s doing all the hard work and I’m just being a Rock & Roll Bum.

Dream # 1 – I’m at a bookstore, and I find a series of comics with beautiful illustrations. There’s no dialog, just pictures – but they’re so amazing that I’m actually transported into the drawn scenes, and then back when I close the book. I’m thinking, “That’s pretty cool”. Then I go into a record store and see the same comics on a rack. I also see David Bowie, who’s standing there, so I walk over and introduce myself. He’s really nice and friendly, and we’re talking about his work and the fact that he seems to listen to everything, that his music seems informed by all the other music that’s cool and happening at the time. I’m saying, “How do you ever have the time” – and then our eyes meet in instant amused understanding – “Or do you have some researchers who listen for you?” He’s laughing and nodding, and I’m telling him that that’s gotta be a cool job, and that he should hire me, too. Then I wake up. A good dream.

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