

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Road Journal - Michael Katon Tour - 2/17/14


Tuesday, 2/17/14 – Last night we were in Nuremberg, at a place called Degnitzbuhne – our smallest club yet on this tour!! Almost a closet, down in a basement. Filled with atmosphere, nice people and a very friendly cat, but very very tiny. I think there were 42 people there, and I know we played for the door…so what are Mike and Manni thinking? Well, a few of the guests are rather prominent journalists from prestigious Blues magazines, and I’m pretty convinced the strategy is to work this for the press. Which makes sense…Mike was on hiatus for around 4 years taking care of his father’s medical problems, and aside from a short tour last spring, hasn’t been out in Europe. Getting a good publicity buzz going involves more than just getting out and playing kick-ass shows (although that’s the main thing of course). There’s getting it out in print, or often these days its digital equivalent; and getting good word of mouth from music aficionados.  So rocking some of these smaller clubs is actually cool and smart!

And playing these intimate gigs is really fun, too…a different vibe, and one I’m used to from playing gigs back in SE Michigan. Fun to rock the house, no matter what size, no matter what day. Monday night in Nuremberg? Point me to the stage. Only 9 more gigs to go for the tour. In some ways I want this tour to be done, and in others I never want it to end – I love traveling and I love playing, even if sometimes the details are awful or hilarious, and of course they often are. But it’s also so much fun, and it feels like this is what I’m supposed to be doing, there’s a feeling of certainty about my direction in life when I’m doing this that I don’t find anywhere else.


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