

Friday, May 16, 2014

Road Journal - Michael Katon Tour - 2/6/14

Down the street from Colin's in Stoke-Albany. I was feeling a little better, so I managed a stumble down the block and took a few photos. Beautiful place.
Thursday, 2/6/14 – Well, I’ve been sick since Sunday, really. Sick is pretty uninteresting, so I’ll leave that out, except to way I’m very glad we had a couple of days off for me to get over it, and we had the hospitality of our friends the Watts’, who put us up again. They’re such nice people and they made it so very much easier.

Resting up from this virus the other night when I heard an awful, amazing racket! Went downstairs (this was around 2 in the morning) to find Tanya, Bee and Colin Watts all playing his collection of Claxtons and Car Horns, marching around the kitchen and laughing hysterically!! I have no idea what brought that on, except maybe a little red wine and the punch-drunk goofiness that happens in the middle of tours. Somebody passed me a horn, so I joined in the orchestra for a while and had a half-glass of Cabernet, then went back to bed. Somewhere there is a photographic record, but I’m pretty sure it will never be seen. Just a silly moment.

I was much better, if not 100%, when we played The Talking Heads in South Hampton. At first the place didn’t look like much from the outside, or even seem that it was a working business, but once inside it was fine and the people, the owners, and the opening acts were all very nice. Dinner was a “buy-out”…they gave us some money and pointed us at the only restaurant around, a Chinese take-out that served me some completely inedible meal…probably the worst I’ve ever had, and that’s saying something! I mean, I’m not Anthony Bourdain, but I do know chicken should be cooked all the way through. And that bright orange stuff on it was really hideous in every possible way. Wow. My playing was all right but my head was spinning from an antihistamine – I made it through, though.

The tourbus' equipment section. Not completely packed yet...more gear to come...but you get the idea.

 Dream # 1 – Sort of a Harry Potteresque dream. These young people were finding strange powers through these ancient stone masks. You could layer the masks up to do different things…travel through time & space, fly, etc. – kind of cool.

Dream #2 – I had some kind of cooking show (maybe because of the bad chicken) and I was talking about food. At the same time, I was getting my new studio together, which was very nice, large and airy. I had some professional helping me, a small Puerto Rican guy who was assisting me in getting everything organized. I remember being so pleased at having staff! A good dream.

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