

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Road Journal - Michael Katon Tour - 1/23/14

Friday, 1/23/14 – On our way to the first gig of the tour! Actually, we’ve been on our way for some time. We flew in on Monday night – Cyn drove me to the Saline Library, and Sue and Mike took me from there to the airport. Mike was actually driving, which was terrifying – for one thing, he wasn’t wearing his glasses, so he’s half blind, and for another, he’s a bundle of nerves; talking on the phone while weaving around, cursing other drivers. Sue was amused, I was just scared.

Met Johnny “Bee” Badanjek at the airport – more on him later – and we all had a long, punishing flight (well, actually two). The first, to Amsterdam had engine trouble that kept us on the ground for 2 hours! Then, another 7 in the air, of course. The next flight to Dusseldorph was not so bad, a couple of hours if that. We were met by Henny Houben, our old friend, who greeted us with his usual super friendship and hospitality. We went to his new house and were greeted by his old Jack Russell terrier Yoppi – still alive and kicking since my last tour with Mike some 12 years ago! We ate and got some much-needed sleep – indeed, I slept around 12 hours.

The next day, Johnny, Henny and I went out shopping. I wound up buying a spare bass – a Precision Bass copy, made in China by SX and sold in a nice funky Dutch music store. I’d resisted buying 2 basses, but Mike had managed to make me paranoid about not having a spare onstage, so I caved in. And hey, it’s a pretty nice little bass for $170, complete with a travel bag. (Editor’s Note – after the tour Mike actually bought this bass from me and left it stashed at Henny’s house, just in case it’s needed at future gigs. It was nice of him to do that, but you know, that’s the way he rolls.)

Johnny’s needs were a bit more complicated. I was just getting to know him at the time, but I already knew he was a hilarious raconteur and a gifted musician. He’s also VERY concerned about a healthy diet, which for him requires some specialized items. He has to have beet juice (“It’s a vasil dialator!), some organic oatmeal, soy yoghurt, a bag of tumeric and some decaf green tea. We were, after a little time, able to score everything except the tea, which I thought was pretty good. Later in the tour we were to wish that he’d stocked up a little more on all these items, which are NOT easily available in Europe while rushing about from gig to gig! We then went to a few shops to find him reading glasses – he’d left his on the plane – we couldn’t find anything up to his specs (sorry), but ended up compromising on a basic pair.

Next day was supposed to be our travel day, but things went wrong. We drove, with our Tour Manager Tanya (more on her later as well), first to one city to visit Manni, our former Tour Manager who’s now doing the booking for Mike. It was great to see him!! He’s living in the very interesting house he grew up in – a strange, rambling place covered with Manni’s extensive rock memorabilia from his decades in the business. We had tea with him, his girlfriend and an associate, Tanya worked with him on various paperwork we needed, and then we had to go.

The Helltown Blues Band, with Todd Perkins, Tour Manager Tanya Williams, Michael Katon, and Johnny "Bee" Badanjek. And coffee.

 By now it was getting late, and raining. We hit very bad rush hour traffic, but finally made it to “The Gates To Hell!!” This is a Rock & Roll equipment rental place of some considerable size that we’d negotiated with for the bass amp and the drum kit. A quick check of everything, some more inevitable paperwork and into the van it all went.

But by now it looked like our plan to catch the ferry to England was gonna be impossible! Tanya conferred rather frantically with Manny over the phone, and they decided on the course of action we’d have to follow – drive the miles back to Henny’s, catch a couple of hours sleep if possible, then get up at 3 A.M., drive to Calais in France, take the ferry there, and thence to Newcastle!

And that’s what we’re doing now. Not sleeping enough was a drag, dealing with customs was a REAL drag, getting on the ferry in the pre-dawn was also a drag. But we’ve made it so far, and hopefully we’ll be rockin’ the joint in Newcastle! Now if only Mike would write out a set list – but nah, that would be too much to expect

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