

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Road Journal - Michael Katon Tour - 1/24/14

Saturday, 1/24/14 – Last night was our first gig in England – actually our first gig anywhere with this ensemble, the Katon/Badanjek/Perkins collective. Or as it has been billed, “Michael Katon & The Helltown Blues Band”. Our first show, in Newcastle, was interesting! It was held at the “Ex-Serviceman’s Centre”, essentially a British VFW. Our host Les Routledge was a genial, happy guy, dark-haired and built in that solid, blocky way that seems to be a standard physique in Northern England for men. His “Newcastle Blues & Rock Club” is a very recent venture – I think we were the second show. The hall was nice, with a large stage, a standing area before it and tables and chairs surrounding, with a large bar off to one side.

We were exhausted of course. Got there, set up and ate a few snacks, and left the two support bands to do their soundchecks. A couple of hours to try to rest (remember, we’d been essentially up since Wednesday and it was Friday night), clean up, eat dinner, and onstage we go – Mike had indeed constructed a set list, and even followed it, mostly. We were pretty loose (to us), even raggedy in parts, but then consider our condition and the fact that we’d had but two rehearsals together, most of which was Mike and Johnny telling stories, and given that, we played pretty damn well! Johnny especially was completely fried from lack of rest, but he rose to the occasion, supporting Mike’s tunes with his strong Rock chops and metronomic precision. Really an amazing drummer! We’re still working on grooving together, but it isn’t too hard, all that’s coming along, it’s our first show. Mikes starting the tour in better shape, physically and mentally, than I’ve ever seen him. I think that once he really warms up, he’ll be absolutely astounding.

Newcastle, 3rd encore, jamming with artists from the support band. They were great, but I can't remember their names!! Somebody help me out on this.

And folks in Newcastle sure seemed to dig us! Had a great crowd, very fun-loving and supportive, really nice Blues-loving people. Got called back for encores, and a few jams with members of the supporting bands, until the venue had to shut us down. A good night, although we’re glad to be done and back to our rooms.

I woke up, feeling great, only to discover that it was noon! I guess I needed the sleep. Ah well, back to the bus, a granola bar for breakfast but that’s OK. More soon.

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