

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Road Journal - Michael Katon Tour - 1/29/14

Groovin' at the 100 Club, London England.

Wednesday, 1/29/14 – Played last night in London at the famous 100 Club!! This joint has been in business since the mid-40s, and has hosted everyone from Louis Armstrong and Billie Holiday to The Sex Pistols and The Clash, as well as lowlifes like Motorhead, The Who and Paul McCartney. Amidst others way too numerous to mention. A heck of a stage to play on!!

We had two opening acts working with us – Rev. Farriday & The Longdogs, a Guitar/Harp/Drums trio with slide guitar and a cool rootsy sound; and Vdelli, an Australian rock trio, also very energetic and good. We played well, aside from a few glitches – probably only known to us – and got a good response from the crowd. This thing has tightened up tremendously in just a few gigs, and it’s turned into a powerful show. Really fun to play with Johnny Bee now, we seem to have achieved that intuitive rapport that’s so essential, and he’s just a drummer of such high caliber, as well as being a great guy and a lot of fun. And Mike…I’ve played with him a lot over the years, but he’s just extraordinary right now. Really playing at a whole other level, and obviously having a good time doing it!

 And I’m having a blast playing too…I know where I can stretch out and show off and where I can lock in the pocket (sometimes both at once!), and helping to drive this band is a gas. I’m pretty jazzed with the night…and being up on that historic stage was both a privilege and a huge charge. This is really what it’s all about for me…playing with a great band, immersed in the music, in the groove, in an amazing venue with an audience that’s totally with you on the ride. Some really delightful folks in both the supporting bands and in the crowd, everybody seemed to be having a great time, and I was as well!! Met some interesting characters backstage, too…strange, there always seems to be at least one very self-important promoter in the dressing rooms being unintentionally hilarious, and this place was no exception! Ahahahahah. Spinal Tap’s character Sir Eaton-Hogg was not so far off the mark at all, at all.

Slept really well after the show! Sounds uninteresting, I know, but man I needed it.  

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