

Friday, September 26, 2008

Journal By The Window

Time screams by the world like the winds around a huge tornado, bits of life and experience flying by at amazing speed.Like Dorothy in The Wizard Of OZ I watch various friends and loved ones spin by my window, and then disappear into the swirling funnel of time. Where will they go? Where will I land?

Things happen too fast for me to track them or to try to understand. A loved relative and an old Best Friend from my past both vanished into the mystery of death this month, and two other Old Best Friends appeared out of the void to reconnect. Cyn's aging Mom visited and my Dad recovered from our alarming and difficult Family Reunion, which he unknowingly attended with a fractured spine. Several friends have plunged into depression, and I seem to have the same malady, albeit in a milder form. Cynthia blazes about, a distracting blur of energy, doing a million things at once, like Vishnu. Work, chores, attending to family and basic needs eat up all available time, leaving my studio dusty and my recent CD unpromoted. And speaking of the studio, my PC keeps self-destructing.

So slowing down enough to write a few pages in a journal is a rare and welcome thing. I look out into the blue Autumn sky and listen to the insects and birds...something like peace comes over me and an inner Self relaxes for a moment. Time changes everything, for good or ill, but a little time to myself can only help me. And in turbulent times like these, I need that.

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