

Monday, September 29, 2008

Chord Melody Jazz Guitar

Late at night, when no one can hear, I'm practicing Jazz style Chord Melody guitar. For those who don't know, that's a style of solo playing that incorporates harmony notes simultaneously with the melody...hence the name, hah. I always thought it was a cool style and all, but listening to Joe Pass and Ted Greene when I was younger kind of made me give was like looking up at a mountaintop and realizing you didn't have near enough climbing skills to get there. But now that I'm a decrepit old guy, and I have a little more technique and patience, I'm going back at it and giving it a try. I figure in 30 or 40 years I should have it down pretty well. It's not everything I want to do musically, but I do enjoy it a lot. At this point I'll usually work for a while on exercises or other people's arrangements, and when I get burnt out of bashing my head against the wall I'll go back to playing other stuff. It's fun, and I like working on new things. Maybe later in life (well, not that much later) I'll be that geezer in the fern bar playing "Shadow Of Your Smile" or something. There's worse fates!

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