

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Difficult Week

I've had better weeks, I guess...

This one started with Cynthia's Mom and Brother stopping in to attend the Vietnam Veteran's annual Pig Roast. Now Ellen and Steve are delightful people and I was glad to have them about, but coupling being a house-host with an overbooked work week made things a bit hectic. The Pig Roast was a complete success, by the way...Steve volunteered to stay overnight at the VFW and help some of the other guys do the long BBQ thing. He really is an excellent guy. I managed to get my folks out to it as well, and my rather aging and infirm Dad was greeted by the crew there as a WW ll Vet should be, with honor. I think he was rather nonplussed by that. The entertainment of the event turned out to be an amazingly smarmy Elvis impersonator! Cheese city, man.

Tuesday I got the news from my Mom that my aunt Marg had passed away. We had known that her cancer had metastasized, but I'd been hoping there would be a little more time, if for nothing else than the chance for my Mom and her other sister Ethel to get to see her again. I guess she went very quickly and peacefully. When I think of what a wonderful woman she was and of all the kindnesses that she has done me in my life, I feel both grateful to have known her and sad and angry at losing her. I still don't take mortality and entropy well at all, and I don't know if I ever will. If there is justice in the Universe she should be going somewhere fantastic. As many times before, I wish I had faith of that, but one can't really just wish for faith. Maybe someday it will be given me, though.

The rest of this week has been divided between spending as much time with my folks as I can and rushing about doing lots of work with Di Medici Domestic, mostly crawling around under things and exorcising spiders. That and perhaps drinking a few too many beers at the end of the night. Now that I finally have a day off I feel like I can put things into a better perspective, relax and plot my next move...maybe even get some time in the studio! I still have to get with my parents, and I'm still trying to deal with losing my aunt, but perhaps doing some creative work will help. I'm hoping so! Plus a bit of Doing Absolutely Nothing is good therapy for anyone, and I intend to try that as well.

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