

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Post-Tour Life And Future Plans

Playing at Chelsea Sounds & Sights.

 So here I am, long after the big European road trip, still trying to collect myself and get it all together!! For those who were just checking out the last Road Journals and haven't heard the latest, I've been back, working with my wife Cynthia at our non-glamorous day job (I have a small cleaning company...and have had it for about 10 years), fixing up our farm, taking care of my aging Dad, and playing with my band The Shelter Dogs as well as doing a few gigs with friends on the side. It's been REALLY busy, but a good deal of fun too. With the help of my brothers we had a great 90th Birthday Party for my Dad in April, and much festivity was had...I don't know how much time I've got left with him, so I'm trying to make every day a good one.

The Helltown Blues Band is dispersed to its various component parts for now...Johnny Bee is back at it in Detroit, and we communicate by Facebook posts here and there. Mike, sadly, lost his Dad this spring, and is spending a lot of time with his family...I talk with him on the telephone, and he's itchy to play out, but here in the States he's not that well known, and getting a decent gig is like pulling teeth (believe me, I know this all too well!)...although that may change for him soon. Tanya moved to Michigan to live with her boyfriend (and Mike's protege) John Burkhart, and is off the road for a while, which I think is going well for her. I miss these guys, and everybody out in Europe too. Hopefully it won't be another 11 years before I see you all again!!

The Shelter Dogs have had some great shows since I've been back...that really is a great band too, and I'm proud to be a part of it. We had a fun gig out at the Chelsea Sounds & Sights Festival last week, playing in the bright sunshine for what looked like half the town!! I think everyone had a good time, and that's what I'm trying many good moments as I can generate. The band was tight, high-energy and funny as hell. When I liken them to the 3 Stooges, I'm not far wrong! But who is who? Well, I do most of the booking and organizing, and I'm sort of a control freak, so I guess I come off as Moe. Tom Twiss is definitely Curly, there's just no doubt about it. Which leaves Pete Bullard to play the part of Larry...not a bad part, either, although his hair is much better. 

What's next in my plans? Well, musically, I'm studying the 6-string bass and playing it a lot on stage (see photo). It's really a different instrument in a lot of ways, and playing it opens up a lot of possibilities...and of course, a lot of frustration too! I'm slowly rebuilding my Upright playing chops again, and hopefully I'll be taking that out on shows soon as well. I've got a new solo CD that I'm having mastered (well, it was finished some time ago, but life got in the way)...I know CDs are passe, but I'll print up a few and make it available online too. And I'm starting to gird up my loins to get started on the next one! How exactly does one gird a loin, anyway? I've always wondered. These are things I do largely for myself, but I think some of them have worked out well, and I do want them out for people who are interested.

There's a whole lot more...much going on, but really, my concentration now is on centering myself, spending time with my family and my friends, working on my creative projects...oh, yeah, and making enough cash to survive. Not an impossible trick! But one I'm workin' on. More on all this later!!


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