

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Road Journal - Michael Katon Tour - 2/26/14

 The castle in Monzon.

Tuesday, 2/26/14 – A relatively short drive today to Monzon, a small city in the Aragon region. It’s one of those places that is just THERE for no discernable reason…not a port, no real reason to exist except that people moved in and stayed there. At one point it was used to hold a parliament for the various bits of Aragon, perhaps because it was centrally located or because it was seen as a neutral ground. And I guess it had a connection with the Knights Templar, too. But now, it’s just an average Spanish city, with a large ruined castle high on the hill. Lots of strange history in these places, much that I may never know about.

 Got into our hotel rooms…nice enough…in the middle of town, and had a meal in the connected restaurant below. Unfriendly looks from the local elders in the bar, but nice enough staff. No one speaks any English, though. Had an amusing moment watching Bee trying to score some beet juice from the baffled waitress!! Tanya tried to help with her phone’s translator, but apparently “beet juice” either doesn’t translate, or it was just too strange a request. I did use the translator to request a fish dinner, and they brought me out a large slab of squid! No tentacles, just a bit off a large squid body, with a potato to accompany it. Just grilled squid, no real seasoning…but I ate it, I was starving. So far the dreams of  Sunny Spain and delicious Tapas have not come quite true…the food has been unremarkable and it’s been raining a lot. But there’s a few days left!

Another twisty drive to the small club Serjo’s Zona Rock, which was actually a pretty nice little joint. Small but well appointed, a nice bar with many interesting photos of various American Rock musicians, and Serjo himself working both the bar and the sound system, with the help of his mom and wife. His kids were there early on as well, and very cute they were too. I learned from him (he speaks some English) that he’d bought the club just this year, and seems to be working hard to get it going. Hope it turns out well for him, they seem like a really nice family.
Nice night playing!! The acoustics were surprisingly good, the crowd very responsive and the PA sounded great from onstage. I think we played a great show…Mike was sounding fantastic, even though he was very very ill. He really doesn’t let it stop him, and indeed you wouldn’t know it to seem him onstage, which I find amazing. We had a good time, sold and signed some CDs, and made our way through the narrow streets to our beds.

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