

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Once More Into The Breach, Dear Friends, Once More

So, after over a years layoff, I return to write in my blog...wandering into the place, dusting off the cobwebs, scaring off random rodents, and opening the windows to let the Autumn light filter in. It's as hard starting again as it is resuming an exercise routine (which I'm also starting to do). The joints are creaky, it kind of hurts to bend this way or that, I get tired way too easily, and I'm dismayed at the shape I've gotten into! But the only way to go is forward really. We are creatures bound in the traces of linear time, after all.

The reasons for giving up writing were pretty normal...I had a hellish few years, is all. Finding my friend Tom dead in his house was very bad, and still haunts me. But after that, the roller coaster seemed to pick up and Cyn and I were swept up in the craziness. My Mom breaking her back, and her subsequent surgery and recovery, then my Dad breaking his NECK, and his very traumatic time in the hospital and later at home, that was tough. But the sudden emergence of my Mom's hidden heart condition, the desperate three months in the hospital, and her death were what smashed me to earth. I'm still trying to cope with that, and to spend time with my Dad, who's even more devastated than I am. As I said, a pretty hellish time. So for a while, writing and sharing my thoughts online just wasn't on, except for short notes on Facebook and such, which was as much as I could manage.

But now, as I have a minute to draw back and think, I realize that perhaps getting some of this out on this virtual paper may not only be good for me, but perhaps might strike a chord in some of you folks who are going through your own losses and traumas, and maybe even do a little good. Some things that we must go through are universal, we're all on the bus together...even though for most of us, the route it's taking is sometimes puzzling. And if you'd like to discuss any of the issues I write about please feel could help us all, maybe. There have been great, wonderful moments interspersed with the pain, and I want to look at how it all weaves together, and if the patterns in the fabric imply some meaning.

Don't think I'm gonna just be writing dark poetry on black paper with black ink in an unlit room, though!! As most of you who know me are well aware, I have a rather goofy and hopeful side, and it's often to the fore. I'll be writing about my musical endeavors, hijinks with my crazy and creative friends, family hoohah and hanging on the farm with the cats and the chickens. As well as whatever ridiculous observations about Life, Nature, Sex and Art spring into my somewhat twisted brain. And you're welcome to read or not, and respond if you feel like it. I'll try to shoot off some stupid thing or other every day if I can! Till next time, Peace and Love,


1 comment:

Mick said...

I admire you for writing about your hellish year, Todd -- writing about my similar losses in 2013, still seem mostly impossible.

It's about all I can do, to conquer the below thingie that wants me to prove I'm not a robot in order to submit this comment...