

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back On The Horse In The Infinite Quest

I've been noticing that recently I haven't been playing my instruments around the house all that much...something I've learned over the years to associate with depressive legs of my Bipolar cycle. Well, I do pick up a guitar or bass and doodle around late at night while watching TV, and that's certainly better than nothing (also, kinda fun), but to get back to where I want to be I need to get back to a regular practice routine. Especially if I'm gonna be leaping over some of the hurdles that I see coming up recording, touring, doing some free clinics, maybe some web stuff. So I'm back on the horse!!

Not too darn much to begin with, maybe a couple of hours a day if I can squeeze that in, and some on upright, some on electric. I'll leave the guitar for the late-night doodlefest and the jam sessions for now. I've got a lot to get together as it is. But I think I can do this!! There's plenty to work on. Hopefully I can augment my upright work with some lessons from Janet Cannon, who I was working with last year before everything kind of hit the fan. She's a classical bassist and really knows her stuff! Those lessons helped my upright playing in a major way, and I'm still just getting started. Music is one of the infinite're never done, there's always something to find just over the horizon. And that's why it's so cool. Wish me luck getting started back up!

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