

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Party!!!

Well, I have to say our Halloween party at the Tap Room with the Six Foot Poles was an complete success!! Not without its little bits of drama...I didn't realize the Ypsilanti Halloween Fun Fair was gonna be quite as huge as it was. All the streets to the club were blocked off when I got there! Luckily a friend of mine was at the barricades and let me in to unload. The streets were chaos as was the inside of the bar...when I got in the Poles were setting up, equipment was all over the place and for some reason water was pouring through the ceiling onto the floor everywhere!! I set my upright up in a dry corner and went to find Cynthia and Joelene, the singer for the Poles, who were both out on the street doing face painting for the kids (Joelene's regular gig). They had a line up the block of kids waiting! I stood by them for ten minutes but they were so busy they didn't even notice me. So I went back inside and helped set up the band.

All the mess and the water got cleaned up well before the audience arrived! A little later on the fair ended and the streets returned to normal, and people started flowing into the bar. Some of the best costumes ever were on hand, and a lot of people intent on having a great time...we Dogs played a big hour and a half set, and then the Poles did two hours, I think. Lots of fun was had for sure! I can't post up all the pictures here, but if you go to HERE (which is The Shelter Dogs Facebook site, a place you oughta know about anyhow), and go to the photos page, you'll see them. I had a blast! Hopefully we can do some more shows with the Six Foot Poles, they're an excellent band and great people, and it's just a super time doing events with them. Thanks especially to Joelene, who took the time to share her makeup talents and made up the entire band as werewolves!! We loved that...what's more fun than being werewolves? Not much, I tell you.

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