

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Farewell Calvin

On a sad note, this month I had to say goodbye to my little ferret pal Calvin. He'd been doing fine, jumping around and bothering the cats like always, but apparently he had a stroke and died while we were at work one day. I know that these guys don't live long...he was our 3rd one...but it's really heartbreaking all the same. He was a fun-loving, affectionate, hilarious weasel and gave us a lot of laughs and love. He also had a great life of fun, and was healthy and happy right up to the end, which is something we would all want I think. If there's a ferret heaven, he's up there, playing around...ferret heaven would be a very exciting and delightful place, I'd think.

In other news, one of the nicer gigs The Shelter Dogs have had happened last Friday...we engineered a Halloween party at our old haunt (sorry) The Tap Room with our friends in The Six Foot Poles, a great local band. Their lead singer Joelene, who is a professional makeup artist for film, worked the band up into werewolves for the show! It's fun to be a werewolf, by the way...Lon Chaney Jr. had it all wrong. Anyhow, many fantastic costumes were displayed, lots of great music played, creative hijinks were had by all and everybody seemed to have a great time! Hopefully we can do a few more things like that...

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