

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

LastFM, MySpace & Fun

Listening to my library of tunes on a cool idea for a music site! Type in the bands you like best, and it starts suggesting other bands, which you can accept or deny, and grow your music library fractally in whatever directions you like. Mine seems to have a lot of great obscure Psychedelic Rock (surprise), old R&B, crazy outsider music and eclectic tunes from musicians all over the world. I dig it! Right now the player is kicking out "Silver & Gold", that amazing instrumental from the old Quicksilver band. Cool stuff.

It's nice too, because I'm finding lots of artists I'd never known of before...Finnish rockers, obscure guys from the 60s I missed somehow, South African Mbganga bands...that's fun. And I've been needing some fun! There's times I'm so busy spinning my hamster wheel that I forget what makes me feel good. I'm starting to try to remember though.

I just recently went over 1000 friends on my MySpace account. While nobody sent me a prize, with so many friendlists in the 5 figures these days (!!!), and even though 99% of those people won't ever write me, it did make me think about what I actually have gotten from the MySpace thing. I've met some really fabulous people...folks that I've become good real friends with, that I like to hang out with, be it online or in person. And I've been exposed to all kinds of very cool music, art and poetry done by really creative artists!! (By the way, I'm STILL baffled by people who ban bands from their friend requests...and some of them are band sites themselves! What the heck are you thinking?) Anyhow, thanks to all of you guys for connecting with me, and sharing your work, humor and ideas with's been a gas! Hopefully, much more to come...good things for us all...

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