

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Technology Hates Me

I don't know why, but it seems sometimes that all my electronic devices start plotting against me. And then they all start going haywire at once! For no particular reason I can see, my PC decided to lose its operating system. I managed to reinstall it but much had been lost, of course. And now it refuses to recognize the adapter for the Internet router, despite hours of finding and reinstalling the drivers.  This laptop I'm borrowing keeps doing completely inexplicable things, the cursor leaps about from place to place for no reason and occasionally large sections of type get highlighted while I'm in the middle of typing, so that I'll inadvertently destroy whole paragraphs. I think I'll blame the Windows 8 Experience for that, least for now. And my new old cars interior lights switch on and off intermittently, for no good reason. Oh, and my new coffemaker sucks, too. Ah well.

Good thing it's so beautiful outside! When technology fails, get outside if you can...that's gonna be my mantra for a while. Fall is a wonderful season for walking and reflecting, and though the events of this last year have left me more than sad, it's good to get to the real world and think about it all. If I can find any peace it'll be there, and maybe some of that quiet and insight can find its way into my guitar later on. It's been a strange time, and I still feel lost, but I'm lucky to have a little time to think.

And I WILL wind up triumphant against all this other stuff!! I just get feeling overwhelmed sometimes, that's all. There's always too much to do...but first things first. I'm feeding the cats, then taking a darn walk.