

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Another Serious Statement Of Intent

So I’ve gotta think here…this is a difficult time for me to get organized, but what time is a good one for that really? I’m mostly talking to myself this post, anybody else can skip it if you want. I know I’m mostly thinking in an autumnal fashion, appropriate to the weather outside…but I need to start working on my composition as if my time is limited, which it surely is. If I don’t die tomorrow my PC sure could! In fact, part of my inactivity is because of my studio computer’s motherboard going down last month. Another part is just laziness I guess.

What I can do is to get started finishing the few pieces that I did on my home system, which is still working at this point. If I can get the hard drives out of the other, and get them going (and I really hope I can) then I’ve got most of the new album done. But I have to be able to work faster, and to finish documenting stuff I’ve already written…which is a kind of big task. I do write a lot, and there’s a huge backlog of stuff that I still think is good that’s been sitting. But I think I can do it now. As I’m getting better with some of this amazing technology (Cubase, Band-In-A-Box, Acid Pro, etc.) I’m able to do things a lot quicker. And working with the bands as a singer has really helped my vocals, so I can get what I want there with fewer takes (although I’ll still sound like Tom Waits with a cold). Real singers don’t have anything to be afraid of, but I think I can get my point across better now.

I’m still writing new stuff quite a lot, but having this huge pool of older material that I haven’t done anything with is bugging me…it’s like having a room full of ghosts looking over your shoulder. And the only way to lay them down and set them free is to record them, play them and let them fly into the air. I’ll post up what I’m doing on my website and elsewhere, at this point I could care less about the “Standard Rich & Famous Contract” that nobody wants to give me anyway. Sure, if someone wants to shower me with shekels that would be great, but I’d just be happy if a few people heard some of these ghosts as they flew off, and I’d be even happier if a few people liked them.